A win for Knowl Hill...
Against all of the odds, I am pleased to report that the Star Works site has been removed from The Joint Mineral & Waste Plan. At the beginning of the fight we were both told by Councillors, WBC, Hampshire CC, RBWM & Planners that no site was ever removed from waste & mineral plans and that our fight was futile.
However, due to the tireless efforts of Muckmentum - ably led by Meriel & Rob together with tremendous support from Cllr. Maureen Hunt and of course the many local people who turned out, protested and registered complaints we have succeeded in getting the site removed from the JM&WP. A very big win for Knowl Hill and deserving of a very big thank you to all involved!
You can see more information about how the fight progressed here... https://www.muckmentum.co.uk