If you or a loved one living locally require transport to a medical appointment, we are here to help. We are a small Twyford-based charity helping mobile, mainly elderly people travel to medical and dental appointments, including to opticians and chiropodists. Our service continues to be available, although with some Covid-related precautions in place.
Our volunteer drivers use their own cars to assist local clients who genuinely have no alternative transport option. Clients must pre-register with us and have the physical and mental capacity to be responsible for themselves.
To book transport to a medical or dental appointment (ideally with a week’s notice), or to enrol as a client, please contact our office on 0118 934 3010 and leave a message on our answerphone. Alternatively, please email twadvc@yahoo.co.uk.
Calls will usually be returned between 9.30 am and 12.00 noon on weekdays: our volunteers are currently working from home.
For more information visit: www.twyfordvolunteerdrivers.org.uk
